Embrace Change
As a species, I believe we have grown to fear change because we ascribe so much fear to the unknown. Even when our ways are not bringing us happiness, we would rather push forward in our misery than to enter a world of uncertainty. We become comfortable with a life that gives us what we expect and so we avoid upsetting that balance. We trade our freedom for security, possibility for repetition in perpetuity. We need to learn to eliminate the fear we have of loss and fully embrace the opportunity to change for the better.
How many times have you said that you hate your current situation? You are admitting to suffering because of something you are experiencing, and by mentioning it you are focusing upon that suffering and magnifying that feeling. There are two things you can do when a situation is making you suffer, if it is possible to change that situation, you should do everything you can to make that a reality. If you are in the more unlikely position when there is nothing you can do to alter that situation, you need to learn how to take away that person or situations power to make you suffer, and learn to derive happiness for yourself regardless of the cards you’ve been dealt. So many people stick with suffering because they don’t see any way out of their situation, or they create a million excuses as to why they have no choice in the matter. Chances are, there is something you can do. Maybe it won’t be easy, maybe it will take years of hard work and dedication, but giving in and accepting a life of suffering and misery is never acceptable.
Many people are given an opportunity for change, and they let it pass. This can be for many reasons, they could be so set in the comfort of their ways that the idea of changing everything frightens them. People that have grown so use to hating their life become vulnerable, and feel as if putting themselves out there will only lead them to more pain. When all you know is pain, it becomes difficult to see any other possibility. Others see a chance to follow their dreams, and let it slip by because they would rather have the security of a paycheck from the job they hate then to set themselves up for the possibility of failure and uncertainty. We need to know and fully accept the fact that this is the one life we have; this is our one opportunity. Do you want to look back at the end of your life and say “I’m glad I played it safe and had a comfortable life”? Or would you rather take chances, give everything you got and end your life after living out your dreams? We are given chances all the time to have the life we want, to see the world and conquer our wildest fantasies, but too often we take that choice and throw it away for a boring life that’s easier to believe we can achieve.
I have seen people stay in toxic relationships, I have seen people work day in and day out in jobs that they despise. I have seen way too many people squander their chances because they filled their head with a million excuses instead of going out and creating the life they want. The time has come for us to realize how stupid it is to enslave oneself to a life of suffering. The time has come that we stand up, say no more to a life of comfortable misery and give everything we have to capture our dreams. Get rid of that fear, stop with the excuses, and see that we always have the choice to change our mindset and our reality.
Embrace change and discover the amazing possibilities this life has to offer.
I once heard that fear and worry are the only true sins upon ourselves, because they bind us from the truth and our possibilities. As long as we live in fear, we will never be able to see what our options are for happiness.
What about financial insecurity? This is often very real fear often sabotages any opportunity to redirect one’s life. Example: single mother struggling to feed, house her children who is the only breadwinner. It seems to me any freedom to drastically change your condition is only possible with financial freedom.
Of course there can be cases in which the odds are stacked heavily against you, but which mindset do you believe would have the better chance of overcoming those obstacles; One in which the person affected believes they can overcome these challenges and does not fear trying new things in order to obtain that goal? Or one in which the person believes that any attempt to change their situation is pointless or dangerous?
Also, it is always a choice to fear an obstacle, or to let the challenge strengthen your resolve. Fear occupies your present moment with endless “what-ifs”, which takes away the only time you can enact change in your life: The Now.
You mentioned financial freedom as a precursor to be able to change your condition in life… So, how do you believe you can achieve financial freedom in the first place? It takes a mindset that this goal is possible and a willingness to embrace change for the better in order to achieve that goal, which then greatly increases your ability to change your condition further.
Thank you for the reply!
Email me at enticeyourmindmail@gmail.com if you have any questions.