Always in Acceptance – How to be Happy again
We have all hit points in our lives where circumstance will dictate our happiness. Hardships will pile on, ripping at our minds and weighing down our spirits. We try to get up yet we always seem to be knocked down again. So, how the hell are we supposed to be happy while enduring the brutal attack of life? The answer is so simple that many don’t want to believe it, and since they refuse to believe, it is never true in their reality. All we have to do, to stand up and roll with every punch, is to learn how to always be in acceptance.
What has happened in your life that makes you think you can’t be happy? How often do they bring you down and hold you back? You need to realize three fundamental things about the past…
It is beyond changing, beyond your control
It can only keep hurting you as much as you let it
It does not define your identity or your possibilities
Why do you let that pain live? By thinking about it, you are bringing it into the present moment and ensuring your own suffering. It has happened and there is nothing you can do to change that. The only thing you have power over is the present moment and you are choosing to fill it with the pain of the past, destroying your potential in the present moment to be happy. The only way you should regard the past is as a reference of knowledge… wisdom you have gained from mistakes and education that you may use in the present.
Break away from the control of the past.
Instead, Always be in Acceptance.
What does it mean to be in acceptance? It means to accept what has happened to you and then to let it go. It means to accept where you are now in life. It means to accept that there are events and circumstances that may be out of your control that will cause stress and hardship in your life, but that you have a choice to be happy regardless.
To always be in acceptance means to let go of the things you don’t have control of, so that you may focus on the things you do have control of. If you spend your life depressed about how things have unfolded, even when you can’t do anything to go back and change it, then you eliminate the one chance you have to improve your life… the now.
You can be happy regardless of the events in your life.
You can withstand anything once you realize it is your choice to accept life and choose happiness.
Once you have learned to let go, to always be in acceptance, you will realize that life is not something that just happens to you. Your perspective has direct control over how your life will unfold, you are an active player in this reality.
You will face hardship and you will experience bliss, but your happiness and sense of wonder at this amazing miracle of life is ALWAYS up to you. It all comes down to acceptance, which is always your choice.
Choose to be Always in Acceptance.
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