Front Page

Expose Yourself

There is so much to experience in this world that one can't possibly imagine they could see it all in one lifetime. Too many people spend their entire lives living in the place they grew up, never exposing themselves to different places and peoples, never truly taking in the awesome multitudes of possibility that await them ...

A New Year, Yet Always Now

It is amazing how much can happen in one year. When you look back, it always seems to have gone by so quickly. Even when it was filled with an unbelievable amount of events, and even when so much has changed that you became a different person from the last time you cheered a new year. When so much can happen in that span of ...

Embrace Change

As a species, I believe we have grown to fear change because we ascribe so much fear to the unknown. Even when our ways are not bringing us happiness, we would rather push forward in our misery than to enter a world of uncertainty. We become comfortable with a life that gives us what we expect and so we avoid upsetting that ...

Release the Chains of Suffering: How to balance desire and motivation

We live in a world that in many ways is filled with suffering. People suffer for want when they lack the basics of survival like food, water, and shelter. People that obtain those basics still suffer for want as they strive to obtain security, stability, comfort and love. Yet even still people that are lucky enough to be ...

To be a Better Me

        So much of our life depends on how we view ourselves. When we look at our reflection, do we like what we see? When we think about our actions, are we proud of ourselves? The answers to those questions have far reaching implications. If you are unhappy with yourself, it will have a negative impact on almost ...

From the Fall, We Rise

    At some point in your life, the world will fall away from beneath your feet. The foundation upon which you stand will crumble and the light in the sky you have been reaching for will never seem so far away. The crash will hurt and you will find yourself broken and cold on a floor so deep down you may wonder if you will ...

Give Thanks

It is too easy to look at the world and to see only suffering, misery and hardship. Depending on how you focus your mind, you can see completely different views of the world than someone in the same house as you. This is because reality is relative. By that I mean the world you see, and the reality you live in, is in many ...