How to Stop Worrying
You try to act calm on the exterior, but your mind is racing at 100 miles per hour. You do your best to choke it down and tell yourself everything is going to be okay, but your mind laughs at the false insincerity of your hope. Bad things happen to you all the time, why should this be any different? Completely absorbed in ...
How to be Confident
When people speak of confidence, they describe it as if it’s something you don’t already have. They say “You need more confidence” or offer advice on how you can “develop confidence.” Language matters, and this habit, speaking of confidence as a thing you must find or grow from a current state of its ...
Why am I so Hard on Myself?
Why does it always seem that no matter what you do, you can never be truly satisfied with your accomplishments? When you do something right, that is only meeting your basic requirements, but when you do something wrong you feel like an absolute failure. Why must you always be so hard on yourself? Why does it ...
Look for the Helpers – How to Stay Positive in a World of Hate
Another mass shooting. Another terrorist attack. A missile let loose from a drone finds its way onto another wedding. White supremacists and Islamic Jihadists, authoritarians gaining power, civil wars raging. The news bombards you from every direction with fresh reports of the days dead, the summary of suffering. How is ...
– Perseverance – How to Stop Giving Up
Do you feel like you can never accomplish your goals? You have all of these dreams and aspirations of where you want to be and what will make you happy, but always seem to give up before they come to fruition. You probably look back at all the times you have failed and believe it is because of some detrimental aspect of ...
Always in Acceptance – How to be Happy again
We have all hit points in our lives where circumstance will dictate our happiness. Hardships will pile on, ripping at our minds and weighing down our spirits. We try to get up yet we always seem to be knocked down again. So, how the hell are we supposed to be happy while enduring the brutal attack of life? The ...
The Passion of Creation
For all of history humans have wrestled with the idea of the meaning of life. We were put here without instructions. We wake up one day, alive, with no idea what we're supposed to do about it. We don't even start making memories for a couple of years so by the time we realize we are alive, we've already been going at it ...