Always in Acceptance – How to be Happy again
We have all hit points in our lives where circumstance will dictate our happiness. Hardships will pile on, ripping at our minds and weighing down our spirits. We try to get up yet we always seem to be knocked down again. So, how the hell are we supposed to be happy while enduring the brutal ...
Visions of Paris
We may not like to admit it, but a lot of our beliefs, behaviors, and personalities are determined by the societies in which we are born and raised. Many who do not get the opportunity to travel, whether due to financial restrictions, personal preference, or fear, never get the chance to see how ...
To Not Fear Death
One day, you, and everyone you have ever known and loved, will die. Does that realization scare you? Humans are hardwired to be afraid of the unknown, and regardless of what many will claim, what happens to our consciousness after we die is a mystery. All we have ever known is the reality ...
American GoGo
You wake up earlier than you want to, earlier than is healthy, and you are already running late. The list of things you need to complete cannot physically be done in the time you have, and this is before you even leave for work. You work most of your day, you have too much to get done so you work ...
The Passion of Creation
For all of history humans have wrestled with the idea of the meaning of life. We were put here without instructions. We wake up one day, alive, with no idea what we're supposed to do about it. We don't even start making memories for a couple of years so by the time we realize we are alive, we've already ...
From Struggle to Strength
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” –Margaret Mead Sometimes life can feel like ice skating uphill. Every time you think you have made it to the top, or even just a comfortable resting spot, you ...
The Value of Honesty
From a young age we discover the convenience of lying. With a simple twisting of words, a slight omission of details, problems seem to disappear. Suddenly, we avoid punishment for our wrongdoing. With these few words, we can conceal our true thoughts, cover our true motives. While we all use white lies, ...